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Shade Olomouc  Native language coach


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Native language coach


Společnost Q-Life Agency s.r.o. hledá nové zaměstnance na pozici Native language coach v lokalitě Olomouc.

Zaměstnavatel Q-Life Agency s.r.o.
Adresa pracoviště Šlechtitelů 813/21
77900 Olomouc
GEO: 49.5760621, 17.2818567
Úvazek zkrácený, pružná pracovní doba
Plat 3 000 Kč
Nabízený plat je podprůměrný
Vzdělání ÚSV

Další informace

Q-Life Agency s.r.o. is a language agency operating all over Czech republic. Our main product is modern and effective education.

To complete our team we are searching for a suitable candidate for the postion of a:

Native Language Coach

Your task would be to teach our clients via Skype, face-to-face and to be actively involved in making of the materials.

We offer:
> flexible working hours
> 150-350 CZK/hour wage
> Agreement to perform a job (Dohoda o provedení práce), a trade licence (živnostenský list) based relation
> free office, company SIM card with unlimited tarif, smartphone
> communication with companies' top managers, owners and representatives on a professional level

We expect:
> excellent discourse
> open and friendly personality
> English as a mother tongue
> good presentation and communication skills
> being able to work at least 20hrs/month
> residence in Olomouc

Should you be interested in this offer, please send us 1. your CV, 2. short cover letter/e-mail, 3. a photo of you on and write “Native Language Coach _ Name SURNAME _ 2014-03 as the subject of your email.

Q-LiFE Agency s.r.o.
Šlechtitelů 813/21
(Vědeckotechnický park Univerzity Palackého Olomouc)
779 00 Olomouc, Holice

"Tato nabídka
již byla obsazena."

ID nabídky:  217748224

Další nabídky práce společnosti Q-Life Agency s.r.o.

Další nabídky práce v lokalitě Olomouc »

Zdroj: Q-Life Agency s.r.o.