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Shade Praha  Customer Care with English plus other EU language in Prague!


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Customer Care with English plus other EU language in Prague!


Pracovní agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. hledá pro svého klienta kandidáty na pozici Customer Care with English plus other EU language in Prague! v lokalitě Praha.

Agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.
Další nabídky této agentury »
Adresa Praha
GEO: 50.0878114, 14.4204598
Úvazek plný
Plat 30 000 až 40 000 Kč
Nabízený plat je podprůměrný
Vzdělání Vysokoškolské
Požadujeme Angličtina - B2 - pokročilý

Další informace

Have you just moved to Prague and would you like to find a job in an international company? Or is it a time you to find a new employment so you are looking for new opportunities?

Read more if you are an English speaker who feels comfortable to be a part of the international environment and prefers to work and communicate with people as well as make an impact, and grow at a professional level.

Your responsibilities:
- Ensuring the needs of all customers/clients are met
- Managing and processing orders from customers in a short, timely manner
- Responding to customers´ inquiries (over the phone and email)
- Ensuring technical and other inquiries are appropriately redirected and followed up
- Coordinating with other departments within the company (cross functional cooperation, supply chain team, sales, etc.)

- Vacation - up to 25 days
- Unlimited period contract
- Flexible working hours
- Opportunity for career growth both horizontally and vertically
- Home Office
- Referral bonus
- Meal Vouchers
- Fruit and refreshment on the workplace
- Multisport Card
- Life/Pension Insurance Contribution
- Trainings and language courses
- Teambuilding and company events

"Tato nabídka
již byla obsazena."

ID nabídky:  498183424

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Zdroj: Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.