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Shade Praha  Sales Manager - Consumer Electronics


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Sales Manager - Consumer Electronics


Pracovní agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. hledá pro svého klienta kandidáty na pozici Sales Manager - Consumer Electronics v lokalitě Praha.

Agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.
Další nabídky této agentury »
Adresa Praha
GEO: 50.0878114, 14.4204598
Úvazek plný
Plat 90 000 až 110 000 Kč
Nabízený plat je pro profesi manager nadprůměrný
Vzdělání Střední s maturitou
Požadujeme Angličtina - B2 - pokročilý
Čeština - C2 - expert

Další informace

Are you interested in Sales and Consumer electronics?

Do you want to build distribution site of Consumer Goods through Europe?

Job Responsibilities:
* Direct B2B sales, closing deals
* Building distribution site of consumer electronics
* Active customer search and database creation with its constant development
* Market monitoring: analysis of customer’s demands and needs, identification and tracking of the current and new market trends.
* Negotiations and meeting with clients
* Preparation of commercial offers
* Contracts conclusion, work with primary accounting, receivables control
* Implementation of the sales plan

* Flexible working schedule
* Homeoffice
* Phone and Notebook

"Tato nabídka
již byla obsazena."

ID nabídky:  521229824

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Zdroj: Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.