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Shade Praha  Controller/analyst with German - flexi working hours


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Controller/analyst with German - flexi working hours


Pracovní agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. hledá pro svého klienta kandidáty na pozici Controller/analyst with German - flexi working hours v lokalitě Praha.

Agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.
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Adresa Praha
GEO: 50.0878114, 14.4204598
Úvazek plný
Vzdělání Vysokoškolské
Požadujeme Angličtina - B2 - pokročilý
Němčina - B2 - pokročilý

Další informace

Another vacancy opened up for accounting and finance oriented graduates.
This position offers complex controlling tasks that will give you a good overview of internal process of an international company. Even though you need some experience for this role in controlling, you will be given a full training to become a valuable company member.
Your tasks
- Preparing and interpreting analysis
- Managing invoices
- Creating reports and forecasts using MS Excel
- Controlling the data accuracy
- Participating on process improvement activities
- Processing other controlling-related documentation

- 5 weeks of holiday
- 13th salary
- Flexible working hours
- Home office upon agreement
- Meal vouchers
- Multisport card
- Cafeteria package
- A variety of training and language courses
- Contribution to your life and pension insurance
- Participation in company’s share plan
- Various discounts

"Tato nabídka
již byla obsazena."

ID nabídky:  525675008

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Zdroj: Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.