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Shade Praha  E-commerce KAM


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E-commerce KAM


Pracovní agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. hledá pro svého klienta kandidáty na pozici E-commerce KAM v lokalitě Praha.

Agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.
Další nabídky této agentury »
Adresa Praha
GEO: 50.0878114, 14.4204598
Úvazek plný
Plat 75 000 až 95 000 Kč
Nabízený plat je nadprůměrný
Vzdělání Bakalářské
Požadujeme Čeština - B2 - pokročilý
Čeština - C1 - aktivně

Další informace

Daily responsibilities:
* Negotiate annual contracts with customers and joint business plan by categories
* Maximize product assortment in respective customers
* Analyze and set the strategy for each customer
* Deliver excellent online presence
* Increase the attractivity of products/categories on Digital Shelves
* Ensure the visibility of products in each eRetail Touchpoint (Merchandizing / Cross-Selling / Promotions)
* Develop and implement promotions/campaigns with customers
* Sell out activation (Media / Online Promotions)
* Establishing/maintaining a relationship with other community (Digital Marketing / Supply Chain leader / Group eCommerce Community)
* Contribute to the Groupe E-commerce community best practices sharing
* Analyze retailers’ website, benchmark processes, and identify innovations to be tested
* Build and maintain proper business and sales forecasts
* Work with our Data analyst to monitor and improve the performance

* 5 weeks of holiday
* Flexible working hours
* Yearly bonus
* Discount on company products
* Meal vouchers
* Cafeteria
* Occasionally home office
* Car, phone, notebook

"Tato nabídka
již byla obsazena."

ID nabídky:  530106368

Další nabídky práce společnosti Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.

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Zdroj: Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.