Moment ...
Shade Praha  Country Manager with Czech, Spanish and English


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Country Manager with Czech, Spanish and English


Pracovní agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o. hledá pro svého klienta kandidáty na pozici Country Manager with Czech, Spanish and English v lokalitě Praha.

Agentura Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.
Další nabídky této agentury »
Adresa Praha
GEO: 50.0878114, 14.4204598
Úvazek plný
Vzdělání Bakalářské
Požadujeme Angličtina - C1 - aktivně
Španělština - C1 - aktivně

Další informace

We are looking for an experienced candidate who will get a great opportunity to start a new interesting business in Czech Republic.

Send us your CV and become a part of a growing Spanish company!

Main responsibilities:
* Carry out the prospecting of residential buildings where the smart mailboxes will be
installed, to define the best location, according to the established parameters.
* Maintain continuous contact with Real Estate, Property Administrators, Community
* Presidents and Neighbors, with the aim of "evangelizing" about the product and
monitoring the service.
* Continuous dialogue and follow-up of the selected installation contracts.
* Carry out corrective maintenance tasks in the initial pilot. Act in case of need, to
resolve any incidents that may occur in the collection process by couriers and users.
* Collaborate in the activation of users in the locations.
* Operational contact with Carriers and Couriers.
* Collaborate and define actions aimed at increasing the number of transactions,
ensuring the same.
* Establish actions focused on courier loyalty.
* Management and reporting of KPIs.
* Carry out Courier operational and transaction reports.
* Support the project team in the assigned tasks (implementation of the operational plan,
analysis, debugging of databases...).
* Get to know all the players of the ecosystem in a direct and personal way.

* Mobile phone
* Notebook

"Tato nabídka
již byla obsazena."

ID nabídky:  536996352

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Další nabídky práce v lokalitě Praha »

Zdroj: Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.