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Shade Hlavní město Praha  Deputy Director


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Deputy Director


Společnost Credit Post, s.r.o. hledá nové zaměstnance na pozici Deputy Director v lokalitě Hlavní město Praha.

Zaměstnavatel Credit Post, s.r.o.
Adresa pracoviště Hlavní město Praha
Úvazek plný, jednosměnný provoz
Plat 20 000 Kč
Nabízený plat je podprůměrný
Vzdělání Střední s maturitou

Další informace

Deputy Director

"right hand" of the owner, CEO.

Job description:
- team leadership
- organize the running of the company
- supervise the running of the set processes
- responsibility for fulfilling the set fulfillment plan
- is skilled in administration
- supervision of business activities
- reporting to the owner and CEO

- excellent knowledge of English
- jurisdiction in Prague
- experience min. 5 years in the top management of the company
- demonstrable results of company management
- complete high school education
- logical and analytical thinking
- knowledge of Czech and American legislation

We offer:
Salary 80-12,000 CZK
6 weeks vacation
other benefits based on personal agreement
personal development
Home Office

Company description:
The entire company operates in English, globally (from Singapore to Seattle) and remotely (we haven't had an office for +15 years). We have 20+ full-time people and around 100 interns.

We specifically do a type of B2B marketing called Advocacy or sometimes Customer Marketing.

Our clients are mainly large IT and Tech companies, mostly American. The largest and oldest client is Microsoft (around 70% of orders). Also, for example, Citfin, Zendesk, Fortinet.

"Tato nabídka
již byla obsazena."

ID nabídky:  545697024

Další nabídky práce společnosti Credit Post, s.r.o.

Další nabídky práce v lokalitě Hlavní město Praha »

Zdroj: Credit Post, s.r.o.